Sunlight is essential for life. With the right approach, sun acts at different levels on our body and mind, really giving us the chance to feel good.
The impact of the sun on our physical health
The main benefit of sun exposure is its action on the synthesis of vitamin D. The role of the sun is indeed essential because our body is not able to produce this vitamin itself, which is essential for its proper functioning. . Vitamin D is often referred to as the “sunshine vitamin” because it is its main source. Vitamin D is essential for the proper functioning of the human body.
It acts at different levels and is best known for its role in the process of ossification and mineralization of the skeleton. Vitamin D indeed makes it possible to fix the phosphorus and calcium necessary for the growth and the resistance of the bones but also of the teeth.
Normalizes sleep
The sun helps the body determine when to produce the hormone melatonin, which helps regulate the body’s internal clock by signaling when it’s time to go to bed. With a deficiency of the sun and melatonin, the process of falling asleep is disrupted, the quality of sleep worsens.
Improves condition of the skin
Skin – This is the largest human organ. Adequate amount of sunlight makes the skin smooth and supple and gives it a healthy glow. The sun increases the skin’s resistance to disease and infection. Tanned skin kills germs three times more than not tanned skin.
Helps cardiovascular system
For the cardiovascular system, the sun’s rays are just as beneficial as exercise. They increase the release of blood per minute, and low blood pressure can be raised to normal, with hypertension they reduce both systolic and diastolic pressure.
Sun reduces the risk of multiple sclerosis
Interestingly, those people most often suffer from multiple sclerosis, who live far from the Earth’s equator, without enough sunlight. The amount of ultraviolet radiation in the first two years of life significantly affects the likelihood of getting this diagnosis in the future.
Prevents cancer
Research shows that if a person does not receive enough vitamin D, the risk of contracting various types of oncology increases several times. And the use of vitamin D as a food supplement increases the ability to resist the development of any type of cancer in women by 60%.
In practice, it is recommended to expose yourself to the sun for an average of 10 to 15 minutes per day during periods of good sunshine. The hands, forearms and face are the parts of the body which, when exposed to the rays, allow an optimal synthesis of vitamin D. Favor the first rays of the morning and those of the end of the day to limit skin damage.
The impact of the sun on our mental health
The sun can really relieve us of depression by affecting the brain and increasing the body’s production of serotonin, which is a natural antidepressant.
Serotonin is a neurotransmitter that helps relay signals from one area of the brain to another. Basically, it regulates your sleep, appetite, memory, and mood. People who lack it are more prone to depression than others.
To feel better, all you need to do is expose yourself to the sun for a few moments. The rays hitting your retina send information to the brain, which tells your body to make more serotonin. You are immediately in a better mood and you feel at ease.
Why does the sun have a beneficial effect on your mood? Because the light it spreads acts on your internal clock. Your biological rhythm then settles over a day of more or less 24 hours. Your sleep, your temperature, your mood, are regulated. This is why you feel good
How sun can harm the human body
An overdose of even the most useful medicine is harmful. The same can be said for the sun’s rays. Excessive sun exposure has many unpleasant consequences.
Ultraviolet light can have a destructive effect on the skin. Excessive sunbathing can cause premature aging of the skin and early appearance of wrinkles. In addition, excessive sun exposure increases the risk of melanoma and other dangerous diseases.
In order to avoid these consequences, you should sunbathe during the periods from 9 to 11 and from 16 to 19 hours, when the UV rays are at their weakest. Going outside, be sure to use protective products for the skin and hair in order to reduce the negative influence of the sun on the human body.
It is necessary to protect not only the head and body, but also the eyes, since ultraviolet light destroys the retina. To avoid this, you should wear sunglasses.
To sum up all of the above- sun truly affects the well being of human. Sun deficiency affects on the cardiovascular, endocrine, immune and nervous systems, on the reproductive sphere, mood and biorhythms, on the renewal of skin, hair and nails.
There are a lot of diseases that sunlight can deal with. Without a doubt, the human body simply needs it. With the right approach, you can use it to strengthen your health, increase immunity and improve your mood.
But you should not abuse sunbathing – it is better to stay in the sun at a time when it is least active, while using UV-protection products.
By Manon Laurin e Liza Vasilevska